This web site presents resources related to the theory of trace functions over finite fields and their applications in number theory, and especially in analytic number theory.
This includes:
- A selection of written references concerning trace functions.
- A list of lectures about trace functions (video recordings and lecture notes).
- For Zen-like contemplation of the paths of exponential sums, the Kloostermania page.
We also provide guidelines and simple steps which may help in answering the basic question:
- How to deal with a concrete exponential sum over finite fields?
(Part of the research presented here is funded by the SNF project SNF_219220 “Trace functions and arithmetic Fourier transforms”, and the ANR-SNF Lead Agency Project 10.003.145 “Equidistribution in number theory”).
Note: This site is currently under construction; see the home page of Emmanuel Kowalski for additional material.